Taking inspiration from her love of the Sea, Kate Nelson began her commitment to pioneering a movement to save our oceans & the planet. Join us as we chat with one of our most cherished Eco Intimate’s muses, @plasticfreemermaid to discover more about the woman behind the movement and her most sacred moments.
Tell us, how did your journey as Plastic Free Mermaid begin?
Shop Kate's look here
What do you love most about your 'I Quit Plastic' Journey and what motto do you live by?
Shop Kate's look here
Describe yourself in one sentence...
I am a mermaid committed to experimenting with how I can tread most lightly and most aligned with nature, sharing what I learn, to inspire others to think and live outside the box, break out of the monotonous consumer routine, stand empowered in their commitment to the planet. A magical mystical like being spreading positivity and solutions.
What does Self-Love mean to you?
Self-care is taking the steps necessary to be healthy, feel good, and survive this experience of life. Self love is the nurturing the pampering on top of self-care. Self-care is necessary for life, self love is necessary to thrive.
Do you practise moments of intimacy or self-love on a daily basis? What are your rituals?
What is the quickest way to uplift yourself after a challenging or long day?
Who is the person who inspires you the most?
What does being plastic free mean when it comes to creating a beauty & self-care routine?
If you wouldn't try eating it - don't put it on your skin
What is the most important message for you to give the world?
Question everything.
Do you have anything new that you would love to share with our audience?
I just launched a new plastic-free course and certification program! I am only taking 10 people for this first round and it will be less expensive and more intimate as I receive feedback on how I should alter and adjust the course to be better.
A note to your younger self?
I loved the advice my girlfriend’s grandmother once gave us - “Be nice to everyone and don’t burn any bridges"
...and do yoga, drink water, breathe deeply - stay playful.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would that be?
I would hope that people would spend less energy attacking people and nitpicking on their side of the movement, and spend more energy connecting with the other side, having compassionate conversations to understand the other’s perspective, connecting with the humans instead of judging and creating more separation. Discussing solutions and offering support and being a positive light and leading by example. We do not need to create more separation or division. We need to connect. We need not to tear each other down. We need to work together. We need to understand each other. Make time for one another. Connect, learn, share, grow, support.
Can you humour us & tell us the first thing that comes to mind for each of the below?
My favourite…
My current ultra guilty pleasure is reading the Game of Thrones series!! It is my “active recovery” activity after my brain goes hard on planet saving and plastic strategies all day. I read a lot of science and social movement strategy, so it’s nice to just let my imagination run wild with dragons and gallant knights before bed!
Song is...
Anything by my dear amazing brothers Felipe Baldomir or Billy Otto!
Podcast is...
Love listening to the Water People by Lauren Hill and Dave Rastovich, Finding the Frothers by Benny Wallington, and custodians by Sara Rickards.
Movie is...
Recently obsessed with the Vice filmed lecture “The Third Industrial Revolution” but 2040 fully changed my life so if you need one, watch that.
I Want To
Travel to...
Surf trip in Indonesia
Land with a fresh water source where I can grow heaps of food and have spare bedrooms for all the mermaids to come visit and get grounded and connect to nature
Minds around convenience
Talk to...
EVERYONE about marine permaculture and seaweed farming! SO obsessed!
More sing-a-longs
More organised
Break free from..
Plastic!! sorry I had to! It’s a hashtag and a movement! #breakfreefromplastic breakfreefromplastic.org
Currently I Am…
Hot cacao mushroom coconut cardamon cinnamon tonic.
Warm grounding winter root vegetables in Curries and Dhals. Plus lots of gluten free baked goods! I have a wild sweet tooth.
Listening to...
RUSS, it’s kind of poppy hip hop but I love it
Dreaming of...
Warm waters - But not from global warming. Just naturally warm tropical waters to surf and free dive in.